You know, that sensation of having absolutely no worries for the time being, of being in a safe, safe place, of finding the place that fits you like a tailored piece of clothing.
I realised the other day that once I'm outta uni, the only relatively long (ie more than 1 1/2 months) break I'll ever get from then onwards would be when I go on maternity leave. Govt say minimum 60 days now waaaht. Which means - gulp.
I realise this blog is close to entering a persistent vegetative state. I haven't been able to get my laptop connected to the silly streamyx modem since I've been back, so my photos are gonna have to stay on my lappy until I get it fixed.
And oh, FDM went ok. Just ok. Actually it sucked, but then I'm just happy happy that exams and 1st year is over wheeeeeeeeeee.. More thoughts on completing my inagural year of university later.
The last few days of being in Manc were totally hectic. FDM on Wednesday; clubbing @ Opus (instead of MTWO) with Li Ying, Sam and Nic was a blast! 4 hot chicks indeed. Mr Freaky Egoistic Chinese Dude was amusing, and Mr Ooh Scottish Accent turned out pretty cute but boring after a while.
Amidst the final exam, lots of last minute packing and an airport taxi that never turned up, I managed to say good riddance to my skanky Whitworth Park Hall flat, have lunch @ Thai Banana with the Mgt gals and 3 guys of various delectable ratings, catch Silent Hill, and say goodbye to some dear friends. Damn all of ya who went off to Spain! ;)
Journey to Manc Airport was kinda interesting, with Yet Th'ng panicking all the way that she'd miss her flight and me just sitting there cool as a... cucumber? Anyway thankfully I didn't get into any trouble with the extra weight of my cello, and arrived on home ground without a hitch, until I realised that the poor BF had been left behind in London! Silly BMI girl didn't check the cello all the way to KL so the boyf had to spend a night in Heathrow all alone.... sobs.
Came home Saturday evening to a scrumptious dinner of siew zhu guat jook. Sunday night saw me off again to Pulau Lang Tengah with darling Kambing and her bunch of kooky but cool Taylors lawyer-wannabes. More goss and photos about our three-day trip and my three-day crush later... =P
Talking about photos, here's a photo of my new toy :P
Isn't he simply gorgeous?
p.s. Shyan, I've already prowled our SS2 pasar malam for irresistable photos of your favourite fried stuff stall teeheehee...
Aiya I've been tagged! Linges, I'm so gonna get you back for this. Dude, I'm only doing this meme out of blogging etiquette ok? Here goes:
-The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
-Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
-Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
-If you are tagged the second time.There is NO need to do this again.(i got tagged 3 times!)
-Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
Righty ho, I'm trying to have fun here, but tis a bit of a brain-wracker leh.
My perfect lover: (hmm it says "lover", not "mate for life" rite?)
(in no particular order) ~ gentle, obliging, flexible ;) , main aim in life is to please ME, mature, patient, curious, loving.
Of course male la.
And I'm not quite evil enough to tag people right at this moment - busy packing again leh. But if any of you wanna do it then, feel free you sad people.
Again, how time passes - I've been back two weeks! Gotta go - I'm off to Fraser's Hill! Catch y'all on Sunday.