Monday, March 06, 2006

Poem of the Week

Haha check this poem out, sent to me by none other than... my Daddy! (yar I know I hardly check my mail.)

Bloody Men

Bloody men are like bloody buses
You wait for about a year
And as soon as one approaches your stop
Two or three others appear.
You look at them flashing their indicators,
Offering you a ride.
You're trying to read the destinations,
You haven't much time to decide.
If you make a mistake, there is no turning back.
Jump off, and you'll stand there and gaze
While the cars and the taxis and lorries go by
And the minutes, the hours, the days.

Really random but so true horr... Dad gets these stuff off weekly internal ExxonMobil emails or somethin like that complete with Poem of the Week, Jokes of the Week etc. LOL. He's off to Brisbane until Friday, and I'm missing him already. Awww... At least Mum gets the TV all to herself haha, but I bet she'll kinda miss not havin anyone to fight over the remote with =P Knowing him, he'll prolly get her some totally unwanted stuff like beef jerky n Auzzie chocolates... perfect for the waistline huh?


Anonymous said...

yeah, it's BLOODY true indeed!

Anonymous said...

yeah, it's BLOODY true indeed!

Anonymous said...

lol..good 1..So truee!!!