Monday, December 12, 2005

Tying up of loose ends

'Tis nearing the end of my first term in tertiary education. What an adventure 2005 has been, what a rollercoaster ride. Sloggin through a tonne of reading during the daylight hours (not that there's a whole of of that huh) to enjoy Manchester like the nocturnal creature I am. S'ppose on Friday I can just board the plane and start my winter hibernation...


From Japundit via asiapundit, here's a brilliant, absolutely not-to-be-missed short documentary on.. How to Eat Sushi, the 'proper' Japanese way. *smirk* "Maa maa maa maa".... Verily, yours truly was unquestionably enlightened.


On a more personal note, here a bigggg Happy Burfdayyy to all my December babies! Tsk, tsk. Judging on the number of friends' bdaes round about now, March really seemed like THE month for lurrrvvvin'. Lots of love, hugs, kisses and slugs (jk, jk) - man... the videos from Shyan's 22nd are just classic. Really missing so many people at the moment though... the countless birthdays I've celebrated with countless different people flash past in an instant, never to be relived except in blurred photos and mind-dizzying MPEGs.


Spontaneously exhilarating conversation with Uncle Long and Phing on Saturday night - newfound travel buddies! So where to now, my dears? Europe beckons, tantalisingly. If Prague then we might as well do the area ie Germany, Austria etc. If Turkey then Macedonia, Greece? Oh, to be care-free and rich! p.s. the Trans-Siberian Railway's still a wild dream...


Applied for a fantastic job - *fingers crossed* but being realistic about it as MorrisHargreavesMcIntyre need people now but I'm only available for work starting February 1. Alternatively, am sending my CV to Whitworth Art Gallery. Wilmslow Park's only feasible next year if I can find a job with low minimum hours - not in desperate need of pocket money and not willing to sacrifice studies and health for work, but just wanna make up the $$ balance if I want to stay in posh private accommodation. Don't mind starting work next sem; have to admit - that extra bit of spending cash would come in handy, plus I really should start some serious saving if I'm going to travel in 2006.


Another reason to celebrate - my group got a First in our work psychology presentation!! Waheyy thanks goes out to: Dara, Yas, Sunjay, Has (yes, now we all believe you did break your arm, silly) But the seminar leader was a bit of a racist bitch, wasn't she... Colour is beautiful, you stingy bleached old prune. We rule!


My room's freezing cold and absolutely reeks of the entire block's lunchtime cooking. More books to read before I can come home, a puny little Financial Reporting computer-based test to do, a long-overdue trip to Trafford Centre avec un bon copain d'achats à
faire du lêche vitrine (hehe..), probably partying every night, and meeting a motley of Manchester friends for the last time in 2005. Bonne chance all for the Xmas studying! My empty suitcase is begging to be fed...

View of Picadilly Gardens late one watery, smouldering afternoon. Atmosphere so lush you can almost feel the wetness on your skin, and a bird winging its way - to warmer skies perhaps? (Note this photo is completely unedited.)

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